Wrinkle paint o vernice raggrinzante liquida. vernice per motori Ferrari, Maserati, Harley Davidson, Lamborghini

Professional High-Temperature Black Wrinkle Paint for Ferrari and Maserati Engines (wrinkle paint). The Red, Yellow, and Gray Wrinkle Paints must be applied exclusively on the White Wrinkle Primer.Applying them on other primers risks serious long-term defects and detachment.Ideal for motorcycles, cars, boats, and decorative or design objects.The spray...
Wrinkle Paint for Engine in Deep Black for Lamborghini and Harley Davidson Engines (wrinkle paint). The red, yellow, and gray wrinkle paints must be applied EXCLUSIVELY on the White Wrinkle Primer.Applying them on other primers may lead to severe defects and detachment over time.Ideal for motorcycles, cars, boats, and decorative or design objects.The...
High-Temperature Primer for Engine Suitable for motorcycles, cars, Vespas, Harley-Davidsons, boats, and various objects such as frames, rims, brake calipers, etc. The formula is specifically designed for engines but can also be used as a general primer for all metallic and plastic materials.
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